Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet.
270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour
800usd plus shipping
Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet.
270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour
800usd plus shipping
Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet.
270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour
800usd plus shipping
Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet.
270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour
800usd plus shipping
Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet.
270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour
800usd plus shipping
Antique mid 19thc tekke carpet. 270x185. Some wear and damage but good age and colour 800usd plus shipping
price:  800usd