This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved  ...
This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved  ...
This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved  ...
This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved  ...
This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved  ...
This is an old Buzkashi whip, most likely 19th c., carved from one shaft of wood into 4 separate bent wood braided branches; it is completely hollow in the center. The carved horn or antler handle at the top shows serious wear, attesting to it's age. It is attached to the whip by a hand engraved brass ring. The leather flap at the bottom is wrapped by some kind of natural fiber woven cord. It has a few small cracks at the handle hilt as it was many an Afghan who was smacked across the brow or hands in a game of Buzkashi. The horses were hit a bit less! ;-))