Antique Karabagh Rug from Caucasus
Late 19th Century with low/medium pile but great condition. Lovely boteh motif pattern. 112x260 cm. Needs a wash.
Antique Karabagh Rug from Caucasus
Late 19th Century with low/medium pile but great condition. Lovely boteh motif pattern. 112x260 cm. Needs a wash.
Antique Karabagh Rug from Caucasus
Late 19th Century with low/medium pile but great condition. Lovely boteh motif pattern. 112x260 cm. Needs a wash.
Antique Karabagh Rug from Caucasus Late 19th Century with low/medium pile but great condition. Lovely boteh motif pattern. 112x260 cm. Needs a wash.
price:  PoR