Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, I bought this from a woman she  ...
Vintage Mucahua pottery bowl for Chi Cha drink, Quichua Indians, ( Kichwa Indians ), Ecuador, Amazon Rainforest, fine line hand painting, lacquered with tree resin, i bought this from a woman she said her mother made it, she was adamant to correct me in my pronunciation, she said the Quichua People live in the forest, and the Quechua People live in the mountains, both Peoples were once part of the Inca Empire, minor dings, the approximate size is 5.5 inches across and 2.5 inches tall, #2756b, shipping is extra
price:  $75.00US