Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800  ...
Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800  ...
Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800  ...
Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800  ...
Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800  ...
Very old Kepsi Gol Yomut; small format, 6'4" x 3'6" / Ensi size? This rug has a very dense weave, saturated colors, and thick, heavy handle. i think it is before 1800 and is perhaps a Goklen piece, even though it has symmetric knotting. Missing a bit at either end, with numerous small splits from fold wear. Overall good pile, though low in places. Original side cords, rewrapped in places...There are only a few of these small format Yomut "Main Rugs"; the other early ones being mostly Dyrnak gol, and the majority of them having some combination of "eagle group' features. Whether they are sleeping rugs or possibly even ensis is anybody's guess?
price:  Sold...! ;-))