Bergama Heybe 1st half 20th C 
Classic Bergama in dowery trunk condition.
Minor mended holes on the back. Ground is black goat hair,
the embroidery is hand spun dark red and white wool.
Typical Bergama  ...
Bergama Heybe 1st half 20th C 
Classic Bergama in dowery trunk condition.
Minor mended holes on the back. Ground is black goat hair,
the embroidery is hand spun dark red and white wool.
Typical Bergama  ...
Bergama Heybe 1st half 20th c Classic Bergama in dowery trunk condition. Minor mended holes on the back. Ground is black goat hair, the embroidery is hand spun dark red and white wool. Typical Bergama colouration. Extremely decorative with this contrast. The hand is goat hair!
price:  250 usd