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59779 items

Beshir rug, ca. 1875 in perfect condition. This wonderful weaving has rich saturated colors and lustrous wool. Magnificent rams horn kilim ... read more
price:  SOLD
Antique Turkoman Beshir fragment ,from 2.half 19th Century, with a unusual drawing, and fantastic colors, size: 48x94cm
price:  SOLD
Antique Shahsavan Sumakh Bag,from 2.half 19th Century,in nearly perfect condition and fantastic colors, size: 57x56cm
price:  SOLD
Antique Caucasian Tchi-Tchi ,from 2.half 19th Century, with classic, well balanced drawing, and fantastic colors, size: 227x125cm
price:  SOLD
Turkoman Camel Sack embrodery and flatweave wonderful colours and excellent condition circa 1900
price:  on request
Bakhtiari Korjin,Persia, 1st quarter of 20th century, all wool, full pile, no repair
price:  p.o.r.
3 Antique Turkmen/ Tajik Coral Necklaces with 14 carat Turkish hand made gold beads. Sizes from 16' to 20". Beads are ... read more
price:  sold...! ;-))
Nice old hamadan / 4.5 x 6.6 Feet . No repairs. The ends have been selvaged and there is menute damage corner ... read more
price:  sold
Rare book Chinese and Exotic Rugs by Murray l. Eiland 1979 (first edition)
price:  £85
Rare book Oriental Rugs by John Kimberly Mumford 1900/1902 good condition
price:  £40
Rare book kazak by Raoul Tschebull 1971
price:  £60
a Baluch Rug with a "tree of life" design on a very unusual, red field. Soft shiny wool. Late 19th ct., 178 ... read more
price:  POR
Rare book. The Carpets Of Persia. By Creassey Tattersall 1931. Very good condition.
price:  £25.00
This antique horse saddle is in excellent condition. It's about 100 years old. i think it is from Uzbekistan (Lakai). ... read more
price:  POR
This antique belt with it's original silver buckle (is over 100 years old). i think it is from Uzbekistan (Lakai), based ... read more
price:  POR
Old Baluch balisht with an interesting design and rich saturated color. Quirky squared boteh with nice light blue highlights. Strong clear Baluch ... read more
price:  SOLD
West anatolian cicim.Good colors.
price:  sold
Early Anatolian Kilim Fragment(mounted)
price:  sold
Two Toros Kilim Panel.The sizes are about 75x265cm each.The colors are good.
price:  SOLD
Baluch Rug / 2.8 x 5.1 Feet The rug will be listed on ebay later tonight, just click on the link below
price:  SOLD
Central Anatolian kilim fragment. probably 18th century.
price:  SOLD
persian keshan prayer . Circa 1900. Mint condition. Size 2,23 x 1,44 cm.
price:  P.O.R
europe austria savonnerie . Size 5, 10 x 4 m. Late 19th century.
price:  $ 2500 dollars
persian . Kirman circa 1910. Size 594 x 396 cm. The pile is good and even. 2 Huge trees of life ... read more
price:  $ 8000 dollars.
Nice old Yomud chuval. Saturated colors, excellent wool and good condition. Fresh from a local estate.
price:  SOLD
An Early Yomud-Group Ensi , Fragmented , ca. 1800, 142 x 125 cm. Possibly Igdir(?) Weft: Brown wool and Cotton, Warp: Ivory ... read more
price:  Euro 4200
Antique Turkoman Yomut Group?,early to mid 19th Century, Ensi with rare and interesting drawing, and beautiful colors, size: 157x128cm
price:  SOLD
Antique turkoman chodor maincarpet with rare kelim ends and fantastic colors, size:220x183 and 40cm kelim each end
price:  Sold
Antique turkoman Kizilayak chuval with a interesting elem and brilliant colors, size: 125x079cm
price:  SOLD
another superb Antique turkoman Beshir trapping with fantastic colors, size: 152x055cm
price:  SOLD
Antique turkoman Beshir trapping with a rare design and beautiful colors, size: 160x058cm
price:  SOLD
caucasian carpet bagface
price:  350 usd
Suzani (Bochara). Mid to late 19th century. Excellent condition. No repairs. Stunning silk embroidery. Rich saturated natural color. 99"x65". Please take the ... read more
price:  SOLD
An Antique Cal Kilim, Southwest Anatolia, 1800 circa, 254 x 154 cm. Early Collector's piece with a calm and meditative expression.
price:  POR